American Baptist Churches of Greater Indianapolis is one of 33 regions (middle judicatories) of American Baptist Churches in the USA. With a history as the Indianapolis Baptist Association going back to 1826, our 41 churches in Marion and bordering counties in Central Indiana are seeking to empower churches to transform lives and communities.

Those interested in serving in pastoral ministry in ABCGI can receive more information below and download the necessary documents. We are looking for those with a passion for the church, an awareness of our changing culture, the desire to continue learning, and an ability to live within the tensions of our region’s theological diversity.

For American Baptist ordained clergy:
Please send (electronically or postal service) your ABPS profile, signed copies of the Minister’s Code of Ethics and ABCGI Disclosure Form, and the personal survey, all listed below.

For non-American Baptist clergy living outside of central Indiana:
Resumes from non-American Baptist clergy are accepted when the minister meets the following criteria—

  • Is a member of an American Baptist Church OR
  • Is pursuing recognition of ordination with the ABC Region where he/she resides AND
  • Has a reference from the ABC Regional Executive Minister
For non-American Baptist clergy living in central Indiana:

Resumes are accepted from those who are current members of an American Baptist Church or are pursuing recognition of ordination with American Baptist Churches. Please contact the ABCGI Executive Minister for more information.

Code of Ethics
Disclosure Form

Rev. Joan Friesen
1100 W. 42nd Street, Suite 218
Indianapolis, IN  46208