Congregation of Covenants

Several members of the Congregation of the Covenants embarked on a new ministry during 2016. A young man named Nate had shared his dream of starting a group he named “This Ability” for young adults who are interested in performing arts and have challenges of developmental disabilities. We partnered with Greenwood First Baptist who graciously provided space for these monthly gatherings. Anywhere from 12-20 would meet for a couple of hours on Wednesday evenings to sing, work on skits, share individual talents, and have refreshments. During devotions, we listened to one another tell how God has helped us through the challenges of life. Greenwood First Baptist offered their beautiful Christmas costumes so we could dress up and go caroling among the residents of Decatur Township Center in December. This ministry concluded with all of the congregation gathering with the group in lively worship and a Christmas Party at Jennifer Henry’s home.

What we learned is that there is a real hunger among young adults for opportunities to connect in a meaningful way – to share their gifts and their stories of faith. There were some who came that were unable to speak, yet communicated with their expressive faces. We found joy in each other’s company.

One of our challenges was differences in expectations about the focus of the group – how to find a balance between ambitious dreams of taking performances “on the road,” and the need of others for a more relaxed enjoyment of being together. We’re not sure if our involvement in this ministry was meant for only a short season, or will develop in a new way since Nate has moved on to be part of a performing arts group in a different town.

We are grateful for Nate’s passion, creativity and leadership. This ministry was possible because of partnering with Greenwood First Baptist. Since our congregation meets in homes, we needed a larger space for the activities of this group. We are thankful for the hospitality of Greenwood First Baptist and the help of Randy Pinegar.

Another new aspect of our ministry in 2016 was to begin our gatherings with a shared meal. This contributed to the creativity of our worship themes. One Sunday we had a “High Tea” event. We followed suggestions from Joseph Huse for this event in supporting the Longkumers and a new university in Nagaland. We learned more about the missionary work of Katie and Taku and the development of this new university. We sent a special offering to these two missions. Another Sunday, we served traditional foods from the Jewish holiday of Purim. We followed the tradition of dressing up as persons in the story of Esther and considered how our faith is challenged and strengthened as we partner in the saving work of God. Many of our meals included birthday celebrations of our members. Founding member Jean Perney hosted us in Bloomington for her 90th birthday!

During 2016, our pastor served a short interim as camps minister with the Baptist Student Foundation at Purdue. This blessed our congregation as we learned more about the young adults involved with BSF. Our congregation decided to increase our 2017 giving to the ABC campus ministries in our state as we have a better understanding of this meaningful ministry.

The house church congregation is based on the early church model found in the New Testament. We spent time in 2016 studying the history of our house church and several others including our sister congregation Celebration Fellowship. Our pastor presented a paper on house churches at our ABC Theological Round Table. In these times of change, it is helpful to consider the various ways God calls us to be formed into and serve as the Body of Christ.

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