Emerson Avenue Baptist Church

Over the last couple of years we have determined that the ministry we have to offer is the ministry of our building. It is a large building on a busy corner in-between two very different neighborhoods. As a congregation we decided the best way to serve our community is to open our building to all who wish to use it. This past year we have become the home of the Irvington Performing Arts Academy, IPAA teaches performance based classes to kids from pre-school through high school. (In fact, as I type this I hear songs from their upcoming production make their way up the stairs and into my office.) We have also continued relationships with other groups that provided educational and spiritual support to our neighborhood. We view these relationships not as a tenant/landlord relationship, but as a partnership in ministry.

One of our major partners is Iglesia Butista Betesda. Pastor Jaime Flores and Pastor Justin Thornburgh operate as a team. There is mutual support and shared vision for the work we do together. The most impressive way we have partnered together this past year is by Emerson Avenue providing the space for Iglesia to begin English Language Classes for our immigrant friends. This program began as a partnership with Indy Reads and has evolved into our own in-house program led by a wonderful and very experienced staff. It is beautiful to walk into the church almost any day of the week and see God’s beloved children gathered together building skills and community.

Emerson Avenue is committed to being a place where the neighborhood’s needs are met through partnerships and community.

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