Congregation of Covenants

In 2015, the documentary “Alive Inside” inspired us to be part of the Music and Memory program which provides personalized music for persons with dementia. We designated funds to partner
with a local healthcare center that cares for person with dementia. We began collecting IPods and our pastor attended a workshop about the program led by Dan Cohen. Recently, we have met with the activities director of the healthcare center to help them get started with the program. The process has gone more slowly than we anticipated, but we are learning patience as the Lord leads us in small steps. A women’s chorus is going to join us in collecting iPods.
Our congregation partnered with FAME in providing healthcare to nine villages along the Amazon River in Brazil last summer. Our pastor and 16 year old Corene joined seven others from FAME for
this amazing adventure. This first mission trip was a dream of Corene’s after she listened to ABC missionaries Taku and Katie Longkumer tell about their work in Nagaland. After the trip, Corene shared stories and photos about the beautiful people of Brazil not only with our congregation, but also with student classes at Warren Central High School. The ripple affect of Christ’s love has touched us and thousands of others through this mission trip.
During our fall retreat, we decided to start having a meal together each time we worship on Sunday evenings. We thought this would be particularly helpful for our families with children. We enjoyed this special time of fellowship around the table.
Many of our members are involved in ministry with other congregations. One of our members, Lora, brings her knitting to house church each Sunday. She knits children’s sweaters which are given to families who come to the food pantry at Northside Christian Church.
Joan and Jay have shared hospitality with our pastor couple which is a wonderful way to feel supported and connected to our beautiful region. The Annual Meeting and weekly newsletters are other good ways of being connected and learning from what others are doing for the glory of God.

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