Iglesia Bautista Betesda

Tell us about a way you’ve reached out into your community.

English as a second language classes, helping the Hispanic Community with immigration issues.

What happened?

Some families are coming to the church.

What event from the past year most excited you?

Our first anniversary


Brought joy to our church families

What new thing did you try in mission or ministry?


What did you learn?

We learned that children are very important in the church’s life.

What challenge did your church face?

To grow not only in members but in spirituality.

How is God bringing you through it?

God is blessing us every day and bringing more people to our church.

How has your church partnered with another church for ministry and mission?

With Emerson Avenue Baptist Church we have a good partnership that help both churches to grow.

How has the Executive Minister and/or ABCGI staff been of assistance to your church this past year?

Excellent, your prayers and financial support help us in everything.





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