Westview Baptist Church

The year 2015 was exciting for Westview Baptist Church. We started the year without the leadership of Fred Schooler, who was head deacon for 45 years at Westview. He passed away in the fall of 2014 at the age of 91. So new leadership is developing within the church but the outreach remains the same. This year completes three years of outreach ministry of bread give away and a free meal on Wednesday evening with average attendance about 110 people from the church and community. The evening service averages about 40 people. The highlight was the baptism of three people who joined our fellowship from our community outreach. There are an additional 8 to 10 people attending worship on Sundays from Wednesday evening dinners.

We received a lot of assistance from the Executive Director of ABCGI personally, and helping secure a grant for $2000 from our denomination for our Wednesday Evening Outreach.

Many challenges are ahead of us in leadership development and future direction of the church.

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